Nabbedd myself some great cushions and printed fabric meterage at the Publisher Textiles Sale today. If you're in the area and pop by you are in for a treat!
I had an invigorating conversation with Lauren and Genevieve from Walter G today. I scooted past their Pop Up Shop to see their beautiful products in person.
They were so generous in telling their stories of working with artisans in India where they live for 3 months of the year working to produce raw and beautifully patterned fabrics. Not only are they skilled textile and product designers with an amazing sense of aesthetic, but have deep knowledge of traditional block printing and dying and collaborative skills.
They are at Barometer Gallery until 1st July 2012 selling and chatting about their wares.
Work So far... Monograph featuring a conversation with Ed Fella, and introductions by Jim Datz and James Victory
This book was an automatic boost of goodness. Thanks Mike Perry. What made it even greater was that I could borrow it from the COFA library. I love new books at the library. Hurrah for student life!
I've subscribed myself and lots of friends over the years to this lovely magazine. It has provided much encouragement and insight into the big choice of following your "heart lines".
I've had a few pauses between subscriptions and I've always found myself missing the Dumbo Feather immersion. This can be identified by copious cups of tea, lounge sitting and a sprinkle of heart-warming Dumbo Feather happiness. I think some of my favourite interviews they have published have been with India Flint, eco-dyer and magic-maker, and Sabrina Ward-Harrison, artist and teacher. Beautiful encounters with creative and inspiring people.
This month Dumbo Feather is on Kickstarter in the hopes that they can start developing an iPad app. I hope they reach their goal as everything they do is full of integrity and beauty.
Earlier this month I went along to see Frank Chimero talk at the MCA as part of the Vivid Festival. Much of his thoughts on what makes good design resonated strongly with my own. His ability to package his thoughts into appealing narratives must certainly stem from his years working as a graphic designer and design strategist.
I was particularly interested in Chimero's thoughts on writing, whether his design practice influenced his process, and how he found the process of writing. I got the chance to grab the microphone during question time to see if he ever found the flow that happens during the design process within the writing process.
It was quite comforting to know that he battled with wrangling the words into a finished book.
Since the talk I've been flipping through the e-book version of "The Shape of Design" and furiously thinking about his approach.
Design Theory needs to be relevant, exciting, accessible, compelling, stirring, thought-provoking! So much of the musty-dusty journal articles out there are just so... mind-numbing. As a Design Lecturer it's quite difficult to motivate students to understand the mechanisms and methodologies of design without sending them to sleep. I'm going to be passing this book onto them as required reading. Something tells me that it's going to get some fresh young minds excited about their potential careers.
A collection of the little pieces that have been sprouting. The felt pieces are my way of thinking through some of the reading and research I have been soaking up for my Masters of Design. Ideas rubbing together.