Thursday 19 March 2009

A new friend!

Yumi and I are busy felting little finger puppets and putting the finishing touches on the Sugar Plums for the market on Sunday (whoops, not Sunday... it's Saturday)! It was time for a little break and I noticed that a lovely blogger by the name of ii-ne-kore (a way of expressing appreciation and delight - I'm head over heels already!) left a very nice comment on the Souzou blog.

Popping over to visit ii-ne-kore has happily reminded me of one of my favourite books "A Year In Japan" by Kate T Williamson. It's been tucked away in my bookshelf for far too long!

There are other very beautiful images on the blog and it's so lovely to be reading what's happening in Melbourne.

Thank you to the ii-ne-kore blog for new inspiration!


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