Wednesday 30 January 2013

Letters from my Grandma



This Christmas I gave my country-grandparents a job to do. Contained in a box were 10 pre-stamped and self addressed envelopes and notecards. Their task was to jot me a note once or twice a week during the month of January. In return, a matching letter from me.


I wasn't quite sure if this gift would pan out, but so far our correspondence has been surprisingly regular. There's nothing like getting something other than bills and advertisements in the mail, particularly when hand-written with funny anecdotes and musings from my very clever grandma. So far she's told me stories of black cockatoos and bush fires.As yet she hasn't let my Pom-Pom (grandpa) write any of the notes... Perhaps I need to get him his own set of cards.



monique's mess said...

what a treasure for you to receive handwritten mail from your grandparents. I think the joy will be had both ways

Feeling Fuzzy? said...

I agree Monique - they are little treasures, and one of the best presents I've come up with in a long time :)

Unknown said...

What a sweet job to give your Grandparents! I bet it's been very entertaining exchanging random ramblings with them in print. Having grandparents could be the most adorable thing on earth; they are quirky, funny and stern but love you unconditionally. Take care of them, make sure their health is being monitored well and they are not left to do heavy chores. =)

Taneka Carl